by 3:04 PM 0 comments
THE RESULTS ARE IN! The 2014 House of Mimi Prom Contest Winners are......Johnica Williams, Emma Kamara, Erica Castro & Kimeishia Sinclair!!!! Let's make this prom season spectacular!! If you'd like to help the HoM team give your time, talents, or treasures send us an email ( or text 301.744.7717..special shout out to the teachers who nominated in 2013, my lovely 2013 kids & all the folks who donated dresses, spent their time, gave ideas, and helped make them shine on their last hurrah as a HS student!! #2014Prom #HouseofMimi

This year, we're planning to have more video footage and photos. Stay tuned!! Check out my 2013 kids below..aren't they AMAZING! All three (the contest winners, not the dates) went on to pursue higher education & are doing exceptionally well in school. We're extremely proud of them and are excited for their futures!



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